Dimensions:Fits: Andora, Asheville, Barrington, Bella, Berkshire, Biscayne,
Bordeaux, Brighton, Dover, Grand Tuscany, Grandview,
Greenwich, Hannover, Hyde Park, Lancaster, Mayfair,
Meritage, Molise, Orleans, Seneca, Sheffield, Sienna, South
Hampton, St Moritz, Turin, Wilmington & Winchester
Please allow 10-12+ weeks for delivery. Lead times may vary based on fabric availability. Additional freight may be required. Delivers by truck with tailgate service. Curbside/Driveway drop off.
Other color options
Premium fabrics are an additional cost. Please contact customer service for pricing.
For additional assistance email [email protected] or call 877-230-3419
Cushions are custom made and subject to 25% restocking fee if returned.